Shades of Grey: Hear, Not Fear, Different Perspectives
1 min read
Dear Readers,
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be releasing a series of letters meant to encourage dialogue in the context of any issues local to you that tend to divide.
What are our opinions? Do we count on our leaders to inform our views on more complex issues? What is our knowledge of these sensitive topics? Are we afraid of sharing our viewpoint for fear of being shamed or even cancelled as has become the culture? What are some resources that can help guide us in developing viewpoints that are not only our own, but that give us the tools to defend without feeling like we are alone in our thoughts or terrified to speak up?
One letter will be published each workday over the next couple of weeks, followed by an afterword that includes some final thoughts and links to my resources.
I am eager to introduce you to Irshad and to share what she has taught me about engaging in conversations that often cause division, in an effort to find a common path forward.
I look forward to open and respectable dialogue from a diversity of viewpoints.
Previous: Series Summary | Next: Letter 1
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